What Is an Annuity Death Benefit?

Death insurance benefits refer to the funeral, pension, relief and other expenses paid by the state or enterprise to resolve the aftermath issues and the living issues of immediate family members who were supported at the time of death. . [1]

Death insurance benefits

Death insurance benefits refer to the funeral, pension, relief and other expenses paid by the state or enterprise to resolve the aftermath issues and the living issues of immediate family members who were supported at the time of death. . [1]
Chinese name
Death insurance benefits
Funeral, pension, relief, etc.
Death due to work
Higher than non-work death benefits
the difference
Deaths after retirement are paid by the pension insurance fund
The content of death insurance benefits includes two parts: [1]
(1) The material assistance provided to help overcome the economic difficulties encountered in burying the dead is commonly referred to as funeral grants and funeral expenses.
(2) The material assistance provided to protect the basic lives of relatives supported by the deceased during their lifetime is generally referred to as pensions and survivors' annuities. In our country, death insurance benefits vary depending on the death of an employee or the death of a dependent relative of the employee, and whether the employee died due to work or non-work.
The current provisions on death insurance benefits include the following:
(1) Employees who die for non-work, including those who died or were retired (retired) or died after retiring from work, shall be provided with funeral expenses to the deceased's relatives in accordance with national regulations and the number of relatives in accordance with national regulations The standard pension is paid monthly until the condition of dependency is lost. If the dependent relatives have difficulty living, they can also receive regular or irregular living allowances up to the limit of the local social relief standards.
(2) The insurance agency item for the death of an employee due to work is the same as the non-work-related death, but the treatment standard is higher than the non-work-related death.
(3) The items for the death benefit of relatives supported by employees are limited to the funeral expenses paid to employees, the standard of which is lower than the standard of funeral expenses for non-work deaths of employees, and differs because the deceased are under 10 years of age or older. Not issued. The state stipulates that in determining the standard of death insurance benefits, the income and living standards of the residents in the area where the survivors are located should also be considered.
(4) Death insurance benefits are paid by the pension insurance fund for deaths after retirement; work injury insurance funds are paid for deaths due to work or death due to total disability; in other cases, employers pay.


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