What Factors Affect the Perception of Pain?
Pain (Aching feeling; Pain), also often referred to as pain (English nociception, derived from "injury" in Latin), pain (Ache; pain; soreness), is the stimulus that causes pain from the wound site or lesion site The process of sending out and transmitting to the central nervous system to make people feel pain.
feeling of pain
- Chinese name
- feeling of pain
- Foreign name
- nociception
- Definition
- The process of human pain perception
- Types of
- Severe pain chronic pain
- Pain (Aching feeling; Pain), also often referred to as pain (English nociception, derived from "injury" in Latin), pain (Ache; pain; soreness), is the stimulus that causes pain from the wound site or lesion site The process of sending out and transmitting to the central nervous system to make people feel pain.
- Pain is the most common reason people seek medical attention. But because pain is a subjective feeling of a person, it can only be relied on by the patient, other people know, otherwise, it is difficult for others to know what happened, so it is difficult to define it.
- Doctors and neurologists roughly divide pain into the following categories:
- Severe pain is pain caused by a physical injury. It reminds the brain to respond to potential harm. It can last from a few minutes to six months until the injury is cured.
- Chronic pain lasts for a long time after the wound has healed (in some cases, chronic pain may exist even without the wound). Chronic pain does not remind the body to respond, and it often lasts more than six months.
- Cancer (or malignant) pain is associated with malignancy. Tumors invade healthy tissue and compress nerves or blood vessels, causing pain. Cancer pain may also be related to treatments that enter the body. Some doctors will
- There are currently two methods of assessing the degree of pain in medicine. 1. The VAS method,
- The formation of pain is generally divided into many steps:
- Contact stimulus -The stimulus can be mechanical (stress, impact, or shear) or chemical (scald).
- Feeling
- As ordinary
- Signals from scratching your hand pass through your dorsal root nerve to your spinal cord. There they pass through the dorsal horn (the dorsal half of the butterfly-shaped gray matter in the spinal cord)
- The pain message reaches the brain, and we don't know exactly how the brain processes them. Obviously, some signals are transmitted to the motor cortex, others
- To explain why thoughts and emotions can affect pain perception, Ronald Melzack and Patrick Wall proposed a theory. They believe that a gate mechanism may exist in the spinal dorsal horn. Small
- Surgeons use many methods to treat pain, such as medication, surgery, or other methods (such as hypnosis, acupuncture, massage therapy, and biofeedback), and a combination of these methods.
- Different types of painkillers act on different locations in the pain pathway. The type of medication depends on the source of pain, the degree of discomfort, and possible side effects.
- non-
- surgery
- In special cases, surgery has to be used to manage pain pathways and change the area where pain perception is connected to the brain-either by radiotomy (destroying part of the peripheral nerve) or anterior spinal column dissection (destroying the spinal cord Upload path). These operations are usually only a last resort.
- The goal of surgical intervention is to eradicate the source of pain. For example, some people suffer from back pain due to herniated discs. Inflammed discs can compress nerves and cause nerve pain. If the patient does not want to use medication, try surgery to remove at least part of the intervertebral disc to reduce nerve pressure.
- Other therapies
- These methods do not use drugs or surgery. Chiropracty is used to slow the pressure massage on the nerves to stimulate blood flow, reduce muscle spasms, and improve sensory information. Pain can be reduced by gating theory (see previous page). Hot compresses can increase blood flow, while cold compresses can reduce redness, swelling and inflammation, thereby treating pain. Stimulating the skin with small electrodes can close painful neural gates. Acupuncture stimulates nerve cells and releases endorphins. More stimulation can also close the painful neural gates. Mind control technology relies on mental and emotional control to reduce pain through descending neural pathways. They include relaxation techniques, hypnosis, biofeedback therapy, and distraction techniques. Pain control requires the involvement of doctors, patients, family members, and other caregivers. As with medication, the cause of pain, pain tolerance, and potential benefits and risks of treatment must be considered.