Dalian City Facts & Districts

Study Chinese Language in ChinaDalian as a city is young by Chinese standards, dating from 1898, though smaller settlements had long existed in the area.

Like Hong Kong, Shanghai and Qingdao, Dalian's development stemmed from colonial occupation, in this case by Russia, as well as Japanese presence.

Situated on Liaodong Peninsular, Dalian borders the Yellow Sea to the north, Dalian is one of the most heavily developed industrial areas of China. The Dalian administrative district today consists of Dalian proper and the smaller L邦shunkou (formerly L邦shun city, known in western and Russian historic references as Port Arthur), about forty nautical miles farther along the Liaotung/Liaodong Peninsula.

The bustling downtown area and most sights are located in the eastern part of the city. The governmental and commercial centers are around Zhongshan Square and Renmin Square. The southwestern part of the city is the university district. The northern part of the city is the newly developing zone where Dailian's Economic and Technology Zone located. The southern coastal area has many beach attractions.

The city area is not very large, and sight-seeing attractions, hotels and shopping places are not very far from each other. A walking trip throughout the downtown is quite easy.

  • Dalian City Facts
  • Dalian Districts
  • Map of Dalian

  • Dalian City Facts



    Sub-Provincial City of


    Land Size

    12,374 square kilometers (4,777 square miles);
    Urban area of 2,415 square kilometers (932 square miles)


    29 meters (94 feet)


    1,906 kilometers (excluding islands)

    Country Code


    Area Code


    Zip Code


    Main inhabitants

    Han nationality (99 percent of the total population.)

    Main ethnic nationalities

    Manchurians, Koreans and Mongolians

    Main religion

    Buddhism and Taoism


    Natives speak the Dalian dialect, the government language is Mandarin

    Dalian Districts

    Dalian is divided into 6 districts (Zhongshan, Xigang, Shahekou, Ganjingzi, Lushunkou, and Jinzhou districts); 3 county-level cities (Wafangdian, Pulandian and Zhuanghe); and 1 county called Changhai which is made up entirely of islands east of the peninsula.

    Zhongshan, Xigang, Shanhekou, and Ganjingzi make up the urban centre.There are a total of 74 sub-districts and 127 town/townships (11 of which are ethnic) in Dalian.

    In addition, there are 4 state-level leading areas that have opened: the Development Zone, the Free Trade Zone, the Hi-Tech Industrial Zone, and the Golden Pebble Beach National Holiday Resort.

    Following please find more information about the popular districts in Dalian.

    Zhongshan District

    The Zhongshan District encompasses both the main business and commercial centre of Dalian and many of the most scenic parts of the southern coastline.As a result, visitors to the city tend to spend most of their time here, as reflected in the wide range of hotels and restaurants found in this area.The downside of this popularity is that hotels, restaurants, and shops tend to be more expensive than in other parts of the city.That being said, for those who can afford it or can take advantage of the few lower budget options available, Zhongshan District makes for an excellent base for exploring Dalian.

    Xigang District

    Smallest of Dalian's four districts, Xigang takes up the western half of the city center and is the home of most of the city's government.As with government districts in most cities, there is not a huge amount for tourists to do in the central part of Xigang (aside from gawking at the center of power) but the stadium and the nearby bar area are worthwhile attractions.The southern half of the district offers more for visitors, with a forest zoo for panda watchers and Fujiazhuang beach for sun lovers.Bargain hunters may find a trip to the central market rewarding, if, or course, bargaining and haggling skills are decent. 

    Shahekou District

    The Shahekou District is mainly a residential area to the south-east of the center of Dalian, though Xinghai Square and the district's many universities may attract visitors.Hotels are equally limited, though the large number of universities means that those on a budget may perhaps find themselves sleeping on this part of the city.  

    Ganjingzi District

    Ganjingzi is the largest district, running from the Heishijiao University and high tech area in the south to the edge of the Dalian Development Zone in the north and to Yingchenzi in the west.Despite its size, however, Dalian International Airport is the only location within the district most travelers are likely to visit.

    Jinzhou District

    The Jinzhou District lies to the north of Dalian. The main attractions in this district are the Golden Pebble Beach (east of the Dalian Development Zone) and Xiangshui Temple.

    Lushunkou District

    The Lushunkou District occupies the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula with the historically significant Lushun (formerly Port Arthur) at its center.

    Zhuganghe District

    The Zhuganghe District is located in the north east of Dalian city and is a mostly rural district with the impressive Bingyu Valley as its main, or rather only, attraction.

    Map of Dalian