Nanjing Useful Contact Information

With modern highways and railways connecting the city with most major cities throughout the country and Nanjing is becoming a sparkling metropolis akin to Shanghai and Beijing with skyscrapers, luxury hotels, fashion shopping malls, supermarkets and highly-developed economic zones throughout the city. Being historical center and presently a metropolitan city, Nanjing offers easy communication access with the rest of the world. . Following are some useful contact information and telephone numbers in Nanjing.

Hospitals in Nanjing

Nanjing boasts a sound medical care and public health system, with complete networks at three levels for medical treatment, prevention and health care, in a new pattern of running medical undertakings by multiple elements, at multiple levels, and through multiple channels.

International SOS Clinic
Address: Room 319, 1/F Grand Metro Park Hotel, East Zhongshan Road, Nanjing.
Opening Hours: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tel: (8625) 8480-2842

Nanjing Union Dental Clinic
Address: 1/F Grand Metro Park Hotel, no. 319 East Zhongshan Road, Nanjing.
Tel: (8625) 8480-8888

Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital
Address: No. 300 Guangzhou Road, Nanjing
Tel: (8625) 8371-4511

Important Contact Numbers in Nanjing

City Code 025
Police 110
Fire 119
Traffic 122
First Aid 120
Information Directory Desk 114
Civil Aviation Info Query Station 2580
Railroad Info Query Station 2585
Nanjing Police Station (8625) 8442-0114

Some Banking Locations in Nanjing

All of China's National banks, as well as some of the international banks, have a well-known presence in Nanjing. There are all different types of banking services, including use of ATMs, foreign currency exchange, are readily available to customers in Nanjing. Following are some Bank of China branches in the city of Nanjing.

Bank of China, Jiangsu Branch
Address: No. 148 Zhongshan South Road, Nangjing
Tel: (8625) 8420-7888

Bank of China, Xinjiekou Branch
Address: No. 3 Zhongshan East Road, Nanjing
Tel: (8625) 8472-8034

Bank of China, Gulou Branch
Address: No. 34 Beijing West Road, Nanjing
Tel: (8625) 8327-9784

Post Office in Nanjing

Postal service in Nanjing is quite convenient. Below are only some of the postal outlets that provide postal services in Nanjing

Post Office City Center
Address: No. 19 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing

Post Office Beijing Road Branch
Address: No. 49 Beijing West Road, Nanjing

Post Office Gulou Branch
Address: No. 362 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing

Courier in Nanjing

DHL Nanjing Branch
Address: No. 55 Liyuan South Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing
Service Hotline: 800-810-8000

Useful Websites

Official Tourist Website
Mondo Times Nanjing Daily, China
Up to State Chinese Travel Website

NOTE: Although this information is correct at the time of our web publication, it is still advised that you call the phone number and confirm the address before going to the venue because some venues may have changed their telephone numbers or address locations.