Qingdao City Facts & District

Qingdao is a city steeped in China's 20th century history. An ancient city, Qingdao was taken as a German colony in 1897. During their 17 year colonial period, the Germans left a distinct mark on Qingdao's architecture that can still be seen today in its historic center and train station. It is a kind of "Bavaria-on-the-East-China-Sea", where locals still sell Bratwurst on the street. And in no other place in China do people drink as much beer as in Qingdao. In 1903, the world-famous Tsingtao brewery was established by homesick Germans. And every August Qingdao holds a Beerfest to celebrate its favorite libation. During World War I, the Japanese took over the city; they were ousted during the 1918 May 4th Movement but retook the city in 1938.

Since the 1984 inauguration of China's open-door policy to foreign trade and investment, Qingdao has developed quickly as a modern port city. Aside from being the headquarters of the Chinese navy's northern fleet, Qingdao is now a manufacturing center, and home to Haier Corporation a major electronics firm. The city has recently experienced a rapid growing period, with a new central business district created to the east of the older business district. Outside of the center of the city there is a large industrial zone, which includes chemical processing, rubber and heavy manufacturing, in addition to a growing high tech area.

  • Qingdao City Facts
  • Qingdao District Guides
  • Qingdao City Facts


    7 million

    Land Area

    10, 654 square kilometers (4114 square miles)

    Administration Type

    Sub-Provincial City

    County Level Divisions



    862.64 km (including offshore islands)

    Zip Code


    Area Code


    Major Nationality

    95.48% Han

    City Flower

    China Rose

    Major Industries

    Farming, Chemical Production, Rubber, Textile, Tourism


    220 volts, 50 Hz; standard two-pin plug

    Time Zone

    GMT +8 hours

    Mining Resources

    Graphite and including ornamental granite, decorative marble, mineral water, diopside, gold, talk and zeolite.  There are also deposits of heavy crystal stones, dolomite, dilative soil, potash feldspar, quartzite, pearlite, and flourspar.

    Qingdao District Guide

    The sub-provincial city of Qingdao administers 12 county-level divisions, including 7 districts and 5 county level cities (Jimo City, Jiaozhou City, Jiaonan City, Pingdu City, Laixi City). Please read below for more information regarding Qingdao's various districts.

    Shinan District

    Better known as downtown, this district sparkles as Qingdao's glamour center. The Zhanqiao Pier, Little Qingdao Isle, and the famous Badaguan Scenic Area are just a few of its tourist magnets. All of Qingdao's major beaches, including Beach Number One, can be found here as well. This is the district you need to know if arriving as a tourist.

    Shibei District

    Directly north of downtown along Jiaozhou Bay, this district is better known for industry. It contains most of Qingdao's major shipping piers.

    Sifang District

    Sifang District is located north of Shibei. Since it packed with the city's industry, it too is low on tourist options.

    Licang District

    Located farther up the peninsula, north of Sifang, Licang District is home to the area's Peach Blossom Tourism Spot. It caters to huge crowds during the spring blossom season. The Zhengzhuang Industrial Park can also be found here.

    Laoshan District

    Situated to the southeast of downtown Laoshan District harbors the magical Laoshan Mountains. Hiking trails are many, leading to the world famous Mount Taishan and towering Jufeng Peak. Many lodging can be found along the coastal shores, including the Golden Beach Hotel.

    Hengyang District

    Chengyang District is Qingdao's most northern district and is best known for being central area for Qingdao's electronic, machinery, and chemical engineering industries.

    Huangdao District

    Huangdao District is an island located to the southwest of Qingdao. It is also known for its industrial headquarters. The Huangdao Wharf, one of the area's largest, is industrially legendary for accommodating 200,000 ton oil tankers.