Nanjing Transportation

Nanjing is the transportation hub in eastern China and the downstream Yangtze River area.The different means of transportation available in Nanjing constitute a three-dimensional transport system that includes land, water and air.Also, in addition to taxis, public buses, tourist special lines, and other means of transport, getting around in the city is now especially convenient with the offering of a new metro service.

  • Getting To Nanjing
  • Getting Around Nanjing
  • Map of Nanjing

  • Getting To Nanjing

    Planes and Airport

    Study Chinese Language in ChinaNanjing's airport known as the Lukou International Airport, serves both national and international flights.

    Nanjing is in a very convenient central spot, 300 kilometers away from Shanghai, 1200 km from Beijing and 1400 kilometers from Chongqing. It's a two-hour flight to Guangzhou and Beijing and 3 hours by train to Shanghai. This proximity to Shanghai is major reason for the economic boom of the Nanjing region. But the stretch from Nanjing to HangZhou has tourist traffic due to the famous cities such Zhenjiang, Wuxi, and Suzhou.

    The airport is ranked 15th among 126 civil airports in China in terms of yearly passenger transport, and 10th for yearly cargo transport. The airport is connected by a 29 kilometer (18 miles) highway directly to the city center, and is also linked to various inter-city highways, making it accessible to the passengers from the surrounding cities.

    The airport currently has 85 routes to national and international destinations, which include Japan, Korea, Thailand and Singapore. The Nanjing airport also provides regular daily connections to all the major cities within China.

    Air Ticket Booking
    Tel 1: (8625) 8660-2902 (City Area)
    Tel 2: (8625) 5248-0482 (Airport with24 hours flight inquiry and ticket booking service)

    Study Chinese Language in China

    Nanjing also has excellent rail links especially to Shanghai (4 hours), Suzhou (2 hours), Hangzhou (5.5 hours), Anhui, and Beijing.The newly renovated Railway station is located in the north of the city and the soft seat entrance is to the right of the station as you face it.
    Train tickets are available here, or at a ticket office near Gulou on Zhongshan Bei Lu.
    Travellers can also get train tickets at most of the major hotels for a small service charge.This is a good option as it is much easier than queuing up at the train station!

    Nanjing Railway Station Ticket Booking
    Tel 1: (8625) 8582-2222 (Enquiry)
    Tel 2: (8625) 8582-4224 and 8507-1111 (Booking)

    City to City Bus

    As a regional hub, Nanjing is well-connected by over 60 state and provincial highways to all parts of China. There are long distance buses that make visiting Nanjing by land quite easy. The buses themselves are generally good and a speedy bus service operates to Shanghai (3 - 4 hours), Suzhou (2 hours), and Hangzhou (5-6 hours). There is also an overnight bus to Wuhan which now takes less than 12 hours.

    There are 7 Bus Depots for Long Distance Bus Travellers:

    Note: The Zhongyangmen Distance Passenger Station is probably the most important station in Nanjing as it serves the most travelers.

    • Bus Depot at Zhongyangmen
      Address: No. 1 in Jianning Lu, Nanjing
    • Bus Depot at the Eastern Area
      Address: No. 17 in Huayuan Lu in the eastern suburb of the city
    • Bus Depot at Zhonghuamen
      Address: No. 88 in Jihecun Lu, Nanjing
    • Bus Depot at Xiaguan
      Address: No. 10 in Jiangbian Lu, Nanjing
    • Bus Depot at Hanzhongmen
      Address: No. 278 in Hanzhong Lu, Nanjing
    • Bus Depot at Zhongshan Nanlu
      Address: No. 400 in Zhongshan Nanlu, Nanjing
    • Bus Depot at the Northern Area
      Address: No. 22 in Qiaobei Lu, Nanjing


    Nanjing has a developed river transportation system and passenger ships service. Passenger cruise ships can take travelers to Zhenjiang, Yangzhou and Nantong in Jiangsu Province or downstream along the great Yangtze to Shanghai or upstream to Wuhu, Anqing, Jiujiang and Chongqing and other ports of call. The length of journey varies depending on the type of boat you travel on. Travelling by boat is a lovely way to travel between some of the more popular spots but can be wearing and time consuming.

    The Port of Nanjing is the largest inland port in China, with a port area of 98 kilometers (61 miles) in full length and has 64 berths including 16 berths for ships with more than a 10,000 tonnage.

    Nanjing Passenger Port
    Located in the northern end of Jiangbian Lu in Xiaguan area, Nanjing Passenger Port is close to West Nanjing Railway Station.
    Tel: (8625) 5880-5501 (Enquiry)

    Getting Around Nanjing

    Tourist Buses

    Nanjing has Tourist Buses which offers routes to main tourist attractions. Just look out for the Y1, Y2, Y3 buses on the route map and double-check with the driver. One of the best initiatives of this is that the name of each stop is announced as the bus makes its stops along its route.This makes getting to certain areas much easier for the independent traveler. Some announcements also have English translations; unfortunately not all buses have been upgraded to provide this. Hard-seat buses cost RMB1 while soft-seats are RMB2, which is very reasonable for some of the distances you might need to travel.

    Public Buses

    Public buses cover every corner of the city but the names on the signposts at the stops are at most times confusing to foreigners.The easiest way is to write down the destination you want to go in Chinese characters on a sheet and take it with you.There's no conductor on public buses and non-air conditioned buses cost RMB1 and for air-conditioned buses the charge is RMB2.


    Taxis are readily available on the main streets of the city.Fares start RMB8 for the first three kilometers, and RMB2.4 for each additional kilometer.At night the charge is the same initial charge plus RMB2.7 for each additional kilometer.Unlike those in Shanghai, Beijing or Shenzhen, the waiting time is not charged.


    The subway system in Nanjing is clean, efficient, fast and cheap. The line runs through the city from north to south with 16 stops, including many tourist spots of the city.It only costs RMB 2 to any station on the line. The trains are frequent, and the ample capacity of the lengthy carriages means that they are rarely uncomfortably overcrowded. Additionally, convenient equipment such as access for disabilities, telecom signals, electronic guide screens and navigation signals make the trip comfortable.

    Car Rental

    Nowadays, car rental is available in all the larger cities in China.The most well known one in Nanjing is Zhongbei Car Rental Company at No. 400 Zhongshan Nanlu.The prices range from RMB200 to 400. A standard car is RMB220 per day and a luxury car is RMB260 per day with a limit of 300 kilometers.Service fee for driver is not included.

    Map of Nanjing

    Although this information is correct at the time of our web publication, it is still advised that you call the phone number and confirm the address before going to the venue because some venues may have changed their telephone numbers or address locations.