What Are the Different Types of Lymphoma of the Spleen?

Splenic lymphoma is a more common malignant tumor of the spleen. It can be advanced spleen involvement of systemic lymphoma or primary spleen lymphoma. The former is more common.

Splenic lymphoma

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Splenic lymphoma is more common in the spleen
Pathologically, lymphomas can be either Jerkin or non-Hodgkin lymphoma, both of which can involve the spleen. Lymphoma in the spleen
The spleen is enlarged or there is a nodular sensation on the edges. Sometimes the patient feels pain in the upper left abdomen.
1. Ultrasound performance:
The spleen is enlarged, and the spleen parenchyma shows a single or multiple clear low-echo-like areas with clear boundaries. The interior can be mixed with strong echoes and non-echoic areas.
2.CT performance:
The spleen is enlarged, and single or multiple low-density lesions can be seen in the spleen.
There may be piles of enlarged lymph nodes around the aorta.
The retroperitoneal lymph nodes are very weak.
Intrasplenic lesions are more clearly displayed during enhanced scanning.
Need to identify with spleen metastases.


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