What Is Scimitar Syndrome?

Scimitar syndrome (scimitar syndrome) is a type of pulmonary vein drainage. Most or all of the pulmonary veins in the right lung form the right common pulmonary vein, which descends from the right side of the pericardium in front of or behind the right hilar and descends to the left at the junction of the right atrium and inferior vena cava. It is introduced into the inferior vena cava, and its entrance is mostly located above the opening of the hepatic vein into the inferior vena cava, which is called machete syndrome.

Machete syndrome

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English name
Scimitar Syndrome
Other name
Sickle syndrome
Main cause
Multiple groups
Men and women can be affected, the prevalence of women is twice that of men, and the age of onset is 10-20 years
genetic factors
Familial heredity, often two consecutive generations
Scimitar syndrome (scimitar syndrome) is a type of pulmonary vein drainage. Most or all of the pulmonary veins in the right lung form the right common pulmonary vein, which descends from the right side of the pericardium in front of or behind the right hilar and descends to the left at the junction of the right atrium and inferior vena cava. It is introduced into the inferior vena cava, and its entrance is mostly located above the opening of the hepatic vein into the inferior vena cava.


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