How Does the Circulatory System Work?
The blood circulation system is the channel through which blood flows in the body. The lymphatic system is an adjunct to the venous system. The general circulatory system refers to the cardiovascular system.
blood circulation system
- The blood circulation system is the channel through which blood flows in the body. It is divided into the cardiovascular system and
- blood
- Systemic circulation begins in the left ventricle. Blood from
- Pulmonary circulation begins in the right ventricle. Venous blood is beaten out by the right ventricle and passes through the pulmonary arteries to the capillary network around the alveoli, where carbon dioxide is expelled, fresh oxygen is absorbed, venous blood is converted to arterial blood, and then flows back to the left atrium through the pulmonary veins. The blood in the left atrium reenters the left ventricle and spreads throughout the body through a large circulation. In this way, blood continuously runs through the systemic circulation and pulmonary circulation, completing the important task of blood circulation.
- Pulmonary circulation: