What is a Motor Nerve?

According to the direction of nerve fiber transmission, nerve impulses are transmitted to the surrounding area to generate movement, which is called motor nerve, also called efferent nerve.

Motor nerve

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According to the direction of nerve fiber transmission, nerve impulses are transmitted to the surrounding area to generate movement, which is called motor nerve, also called efferent nerve.
Motor nerve nervus motorius
Refers to the efferent nerve fibers that dominate the body muscles . Its function is to generate and control body movement and tension. This is relative to the sensory nerve. In vertebrates: In addition to the motor nerves that belong to the brain and spinal cord nervous system and govern voluntary movement, there are also many motor nerves (such as vascular motor nerves) in the autonomic and peripheral nerves. Sometimes, the secretory nerves belonging to the autonomic nervous system are grouped together, and the broadly defined motor nerve and the mesial nerve are roughly synonymous. Because pure motor and pure sensory neural trunks are actually rare and most of them are mixed, the terms such as motor (nerve) fibers and motor neurons should be used correctly.


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