What is a Cash Journal?
Cash Journal is a book that is registered by cashiers one by one according to the audited cash receipts and payment vouchers. Generally refers to the cash receipt and payment journal, if further subdivided, it can be divided into cash income journal "and" cash payment journal ". [1]
Cash journal
- A business specifically used to record cash receipts and payments
- The cash journal is used to register the daily income, expenditure and balance of cash in stock
- Reconciliation is the process of reconciling the contents of the books of accounts to make the accounts, accounts, and accounts consistent. The verification of cash journals refers to the verification of cash journal records with related receipts and payment vouchers; the verification of cash accounts refers to cash journals and cash
- Cash journals are usually registered on the basis of audited cash receipts and payment vouchers in the order in which economic transactions take place day by day. In order to strengthen the supervision of corporate cash, the cash journals use book-type books, as shown in the following figure:
- When registering a cash journal, in addition to following the basic requirements for book registration, you should also pay attention to the following methods:
Cash journal date
- The date entered in the "date" column should be the date on the accounting voucher on which the book is registered. Cash journals are generally registered based on the voucher. Therefore, the date here is the date when the voucher is prepared. The date of the occurrence or completion of the economic business recorded in the original voucher cannot be filled in, nor is it the date of actual registration of the account book.
Cash journal voucher number
- The Voucher size column should be filled with the type and number of the accounting voucher to be used for posting. For example, if the enterprise uses a general voucher format, when registering a cash journal based on the voucher, fill in the number ×; when the company uses a special voucher format, when registering a cash journal based on a cash receipt voucher, enter the received × number.
Cash journal summary
- The "Summary" column briefly describes the contents of the economic business recorded, and strives to be concise.
Cash journal corresponding account
- The "corresponding account" column should be filled in the corresponding account of the "inventory cash" account in the accounting entry to reflect the ins and outs of changes in inventory cash. When filling in the corresponding subjects, you should pay attention to the following three points:
- First, the corresponding account only fills in the general ledger account, and no detailed account is required;
- Second, when there are multiple corresponding subjects, the main corresponding subjects should be filled in. If cash is received for sales of products, the corresponding subjects of "inventory cash" include "main business income" and "taxes payable." You can fill in the "main business income" in the corresponding account column, and the total amount of cash obtained in the debit amount column, but you cannot split a cash increase business into two corresponding account amounts and fill in two lines;
- Third, when there are multiple corresponding subjects and the major and minor cannot be divided from the subjects, the subjects with a larger amount can be filled in the corresponding subject column, and the word "wait" is added after it. If you use cash for 800 yuan to purchase sporadic office supplies, 300 yuan will be borne by the workshop, and 500 yuan will be borne by the administrative department. The total cash paid is 800 yuan.
Cash journal debit, lender
- The "Debit Amount" column and "Credit Amount" column shall be entered according to the borrowing direction and amount of the "Inventory Cash" account recorded in the relevant voucher.
Cash journal balance
- The "Balance" column should be calculated and filled in according to the formula "Balance of the Bank = Upward Balance + Debit of the Bank-Credit of the Bank".
- Under normal circumstances, credit balances are not allowed for cash on hand. Therefore, the borrowing direction is not printed in the cash journal balance column, and the balance direction defaults to debit. If during the process of registering cash journals, due to special reasons such as the order of credit, a credit balance appears, the credit is registered in the balance column to indicate the credit balance. [2]