What Is Human Resources Benchmarking?
The labor standard, that is, the legal minimum labor standard, refers to the minimum legal standard of labor conditions obtained by workers in labor relations. The content of labor standards includes wages, working hours, rest and vacations, labor safety and health, special protection for female employees and juvenile workers, etc. [1]
Labor benchmark
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- The labor standard, that is, the legal minimum labor standard, refers to the minimum legal standard of labor conditions obtained by workers in labor relations. The content of labor standards includes wages, working hours, rest and vacations, labor safety and health, special protection for female employees and juvenile workers, etc. [1]
- Labor standards refer to the minimum labor standards for wages, working hours, rest and vacations, labor safety and health, special protection for female workers and juvenile workers, etc., which are stipulated by the state in accordance with mandatory regulations. A legal system that crosses the bottom line (lower limit) in order to limit the freedom of contract between the parties to the labor relationship and protect the minimum level of labor rights that workers should enjoy.
- Labor standards include two meanings: first, there are clear labor conditions, which generally refer to various protection measures and methods provided by employers in order to ensure that workers achieve their labor process; second, labor conditions have minimum standards, Refers to the minimum measures and requirements stipulated in order to protect the minimum working conditions of workers.
- The main contents of labor standards: (1) minimum wage system; (2) working time system; (3) rest and vacation system; (4) labor safety and health system; (5) special labor protection system for female workers and juvenile workers.