What Is Macrostomia?

Large mouth deformities are, generally (macrocheilia). It is caused by part or all of maxillary process and mandibular process not being fused during embryonic development. Most of them are unilateral fissure, but also bilateral fissure. It is more common in men, and severe facial fissures can form. According to the different degrees of facial fissures, there are light, medium and heavy points: mild fissures from the corner of the mouth to the buccal area, moderate to the front edge of the masseter muscle, severe to the posterior edge of the mandible or to the external ear canal. Deformities of the 1st and 2nd branchial arch also often form giant mouth disease. In addition to the large mouth deformity, there are also serious jaw bone development disorders and malformations of the external ear. . In cosmetic medicine, a surgical method that specifically addresses this defect is called large mouth deformity correction.

Large mouth deformity correction

Large mouth deformities are, generally (macrocheilia). It is caused by part or all of maxillary process and mandibular process not being fused during embryonic development. Most of them are unilateral fissure, but also bilateral fissure. It is more common in men, and severe facial fissures can form. According to the different degrees of facial fissures, there are light, medium and heavy points: mild fissures from the corner of the mouth to the buccal area, moderate to the front edge of the masseter muscle, severe to the posterior edge of the mandible or to the external ear canal. Deformities of the 1st and 2nd branchial arch also often form giant mouth disease. In addition to the large mouth deformity, there are also serious jaw bone development disorders and malformations of the external ear. . In cosmetic medicine, a surgical method that specifically addresses this defect is called large mouth deformity correction.
Chinese name
Large mouth deformity correction
A rare congenital malformation of the maxillofacial region
Also known as
Correction method
Linear suture method, "Z" angioplasty
1. Three days before the operation, the surgeon can orally inject Banlangen granules and intravenously inject metronidazole or other broad-spectrum antibiotics under the guidance of a doctor to create a good physical environment;
2. Beginning three days before the operation, the surgeon should avoid eating, mainly avoiding spicy, spicy, irritating food and raw garlic, raw onion, pepper and so on. In addition, do not eat peanuts, sunflower seeds, seafood and other foods;
3. Women should avoid breastfeeding during menstruation; one week after menstruation is appropriate.
: The normal position of the repair angle is first determined during the operation: if it is unilateral, the healthy angle can be used as the standard. For both sides, a vertical line can be made from the pupil on one side first, and the intersection with the horizontal line of the cleft of the mouth is used as the planned corner position.
During the operation, cut along A-B-C and B-A'-D lines according to the figure. The two triangular lip and mucosal membranes were lifted, and the B-A'-D lip-red mucosa flap was turned inward, and one edge thereof was sutured relative to the wound edge of the inner lining of the upper lip as an oral lining, and then the muscles were sutured. Finally, the lifted A-B-C lip and mucosa flap is slightly trimmed and B-A'-D red lip wound is sutured to form the mouth angle of the affected side and the skin is relatively sutured. The advantage of this method is that it can form an ideal mouth angle. Secondly, the mucosal incision in the mouth and the skin incision outside the mouth are not on the same plane.
: This method is suitable for cases with long unilateral large mouth deformities. The normal position and surgical method of determining the corner of the mouth during surgery are basically the same as the straight suture method. The difference is that after intraoral mucosa and muscles are sutured, one or two "Z" shaped supplemental incisions are made on the skin and staggered sutures. The advantage of this method is that it can avoid the formation of a linear scar contracture and pull the mouth angle, and the scar after surgery is not obvious.
Patients with systemic disease can not tolerate anesthesia and surgery; local inflammation requires surgery after inflammation control; those with deformities that have recently formed and have not yet softened should wait 6 months before surgery.
1. Generally, dressing is not bandaged after operation, and the incision is sutured with antibiotic ointment, and antibiotics are administered orally for 1 week to prevent infection;
2. Use mouthwashes such as borax and Dobell's solution daily, gargle 4-6 times, pay attention to oral cleansing;
3. Oral vitamin C and antiviral drugs within five days after surgery;
4. Liquid diet for 3 days.


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