What Are Receptor Agonists?
2 receptor agonists are a class of asthma treatment drugs that can stimulate the 2 receptors distributed on airway smooth muscles to produce bronchodilation. These drugs are bronchodilators, and they are the drugs of choice for acute attacks of asthma (airway spasms), which can quickly improve the symptoms of dyspnea and cough during acute asthma attacks. [1]
- Non-selective -receptor agonists such as epinephrine and isoproterenol that were used in the early stages will stimulate the 2 receptors of the bronchus and the 1 receptors of the heart.
- Some beta 2 receptor agonists, such as clenbuterol, can promote protein synthesis in animals and accelerate fat conversion and breakdown. Therefore, illegal elements are often added to feed to increase lean meat rate, commonly known as "lean extract". When people eat meat with too much lean meat, it will cause poisoning with abnormal physiological reactions. Therefore, it has been banned internationally as a feed additive. [3] For details, see the entry for "Clenbuterol".