What Is Computer-Assisted Interviewing?
Computer-aided system (Computer-aided system) is a general term for systems that use computer assistance to complete different types of tasks. For example, a system using computer-aided industrial design is called computer-aided design (CAD), and a system using computer-aided translation is called computer-aided translation (CAT).
- Computer Aided System Yes
- Computer-assisted retrieval system refers to a set of technologies that combine archive retrieval with electronic computers. Sometimes it refers only to retrieval systems that combine micro-technology with electronic computers.
- (1) Microforms are easy to make, easy to copy, and low cost;
- (2) The film carrier can be used as a carrier for permanent preservation;
- (3) Information such as handwriting, stamps, seals, etc. can be recorded on the film as it is;
- (4) The computer database stores only secondary documents and microfilm retrieval indexes, thus reducing the storage space of the computer and reducing the cost;
- (5) Retrieval is convenient and fast. Not only can the retrieval system be formed in one unit, but also modern communication equipment can be used for long-distance inquiry and transmission to form an information network system. [3]