What Is an Expense Report?

The purchase and sale expense report is to strengthen the control of the purchase and sale business expenses. The purchase and sale expenses should be separately listed from the total expenses or total costs, analyzed and organized, and the purchase expense report and the sales expense report should be prepared and submitted to the purchase and sales business department. As the basis for its inspection and assessment. Purchase Expense Report. Compare the expenses (excluding the price of the purchased goods) with the fixed amount or the planned number in a certain period, and include them in the report and report to the purchasing department. There are many items of purchase cost. According to their relationship with the amount of purchased goods, they can be divided into two categories: variable costs and fixed costs. In order to facilitate the analysis, the specific cost items can be listed according to the detailed item list. When comparing the variable costs with the planned purchase costs, adjustments should be made according to the actual purchase amount of the goods in order to correctly analyze the cost savings or overruns. [1]


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