What Causes Snoring?
The S folder is actually a special folder created by using Microsoft's vulnerability in the folder. Generally, this folder cannot be deleted and opened.
S folder
- S folder is actually used
- Run --cmd--type "MKDIR S .. \" (without quotes, the same below), at this time, there will be an additional folder called s. Under the c directory.
- If "S \" is the name of a folder, it is located at C: \, and its path is "C: \ S \". When you try to access, Windows will mistakenly think that we are opening the C partition S folder, this will return an error because the above path does not exist. Of course, if you want to visit, you must first establish it. Windows will definitely refuse it because the word "\" is not allowed. Let's create a folder containing the "\" symbol.
- Run --cmd,
- Type C: \ mkdir s \
- C: \ mkdir s \ sl \
- C: \ mkdir s. \
- The subdirectory or file s. \ Already exists.
- C: \ mkdir s .. \
- C: \ mkdir s ... \
- --- then delete s \
- The "S." folder you see can neither be opened nor deleted, it cannot be opened because its actual path is "c: \ s .. \" (we created it ourselves, we can determine its absolute path ,) But in Explorer, the name becomes "S. \" That is, when you visit, windows actually open "C: \ S ..", of course, you can't open it, the file and It does not exist, so it will report an error, and it cannot be deleted for this reason. Windows incorrectly resolves an actual path name to a non-existent name, which of course cannot be executed. However, it should be noted that once this folder is operated, an additional folder named "s" will be added to the current path. At this time, both folders can be opened normally, but the The content is empty. At this time, as long as you delete any one of the folders, the remaining folders cannot be opened or deleted normally in Explorer.
- 4. Delete method
- Run --cmd and enter the "rmdir directory name" command to delete it. If you forget it, you can open the explorer, go to the directory, look at the folder name, and add ". \", If you are prompted "The folder is not empty" , You should add "/ s". If there are contents in the folder, please use it with caution!
- 5. Some harmful tactics you might encounter (just be careful! Use with caution! Consequences!)
- a. At this point, we can use this vulnerability to do many things. Trojans, viruses, etc. do not have permissions themselves. We create "S .." to point to "S" so that you can browse across permissions. Antivirus software will only check "X "Directory instead of" X .. \ "
- b. Hard disk bomb. Because this folder has another feature, no matter how many files you put in, it always shows that the file size is zero, but it actually takes up hard disk space, so it is very convenient to hide. Knowing this principle, this is actually the principle that ordinary people do nt know how to delete these folders. Edit a program (either virus or batch processing), create one or more such folders, and then copy things into it. The bigger the better, so the hard drive in the host computer is getting smaller and smaller ... until it doesn't. Of course, many friends may find that creating such a folder not only serves the purpose of preventing accidental deletion. Some important information can also be stored in it to achieve the effect of alternative encryption. The average rookie really can't solve this secret