What Is a Nursing Diagnosis?
Nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgment about the response of an individual, family, or community to existing or potential health problems and life processes. It is the basis for nurses to choose nursing measures to achieve expected results. These results are the responsibility of the nurse.
Nursing diagnosis
Preface to Nursing Diagnostics
- NANDA adopted a classification method based on Human ResPonse Patterns. The 128 nursing diagnoses of the human response pattern classification method are listed below: [1]
Nursing Diagnosis Exchange
- (Exchanging)
- Nutritional Disorders: Higher Than Body Requirements
- Nutritional Disorders: Less Than Body Requirements
- Malnutrition: Potentially higher than body requirements (Altered Nutrition: Potential for More Than Body Requirements)
- Risk of infection (Risk for Infection)
- Risk of altered body temperature (Risk for Altered Body Temperature)
- Hypothermia (Hypothermia)
- Hyperthermia (Hyperthermia)
- Ineffective Thermoregulatlon
- Dysre flexia
- Constipation
- Perceived Consttipation
- Colonic Constipation
- Diarrhea (Diarrhea)
- Bowel incontinence
- Urinary abnormalities (Altered Urinary Elimination)
- Stress incontinence
- Reflex Incontinence
- Urge Incontinence
- Functional Incontinence
- 1. total urinary incontinence
- Urinary Retention (Urinary Retentron)
- Changes in tissue perfusion volume (kidney, brain, heart and lung, gastrointestinal, peripheral blood vessels) (Altered Tissue Perfuslorl (Renal, Cereral, Cardlopulmonary Gastrolntestlnal, Peripheral))
- Fluid Volume Excess
- Fluid Volume Deficit
- Danger of fluid deficiency (Risk for Fluid VolUme Deficit)
- Decreased cardiac output (Deer. A. Ed CardlacouPu)
- Impaired gas exchange (Imnaired Gas Exc5anse)
- Inefecthe Airway Clearance
- Ineffective Breathing Pattern
- Inability to Sustain Spontaneous Ventilation
- Ventilator dependence (Dysfunctional Ventilatory Weaning ResPonse (DVWR)
- Risk of injury (Risk for Injury)
- Risk of suffocation (Risk for Suffocation)
- Risk of trauma (Risk for Trauma)
- Risk of Aspiration
- Altered Protection
- Impaired tissue integrity (ImPaired Tissue Integrity)
- Oral Mucosal Changes (Altered Oral Mucous Membrance)
- Impaired Skin Integrity
- Risk of impaired skin integrity (Risk for ImPaired Skin Integrity)
- Decreased ability to regulate intracranial pressure (Decreased AdaPtive CaPacity Intracranial)
- Energy Field Distubance
Nursing diagnosis communication
- (Communicating)
- Language Communication Impairment (impaired VerbalCommunlcatlon)
Nursing diagnosis relationship
- (Relating)
- Social Impairment (Impaired Soial Interatlon)
- Social Isolition
- There is danger of isolation (Risk for. Lonelines.)
- Altered Role Performance
- Alternated Parenting
- Risk of parental incompetence (Risk for Altered Parenting)
- Risk of changing parental attachment (Risk for Altered Parent / Infant / Child Att8Chffi6llt)
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Altered Family Process
- Career Role Strain
- Risk of Caregiver Role Strain
- Altered Family Process: Alcoholism
- Parent Role Conflict
- Sexuality Patterns (Altered SexualityPatterns)
Nursing diagnostic value
- (Valuing)
- Spiritual Distress
- Enhancing Mental Health: Potential for Enhance Spiritual Well-Belug
Nursing diagnostic options
- (Choosing)
- Individual Coping Ineffective
- Impairment of adjustment (ImPaired Adjustment)
- Defensive Coping
- Defensive denial
- Ineffective Family Coping: Disabling
- Ineffective Family Coping: Compromised
- Family Coping: Potential for Growth
- Community Response: Potential for Enhanced Community CoPing
- Ineffective Community Coping
- Ineffective Management of Therapeutic Regimen (Indlidual)
- Noncompliance (Specitfy)
- Ineffective Management of Therapeutic Regimen: (Families)
- Ineffective Management of Thera-peutic Regimen (Community)
- Effective Management of Thera-peutic Regimen (Individual)
- Decisional conflict (Specify)
- Health Seeking Behaviors (Specity)
Nursing diagnostic activities
- (Moving)
- Impaired Physical Mobility
- Risk of peripheral vascular and nerve dysfunction (Risk for PeriPheralNeurovas-cular Dysfunction)
- Risk of perioperative trauma (Risk for Perloperatlve Positioning Injury)
- Activity Intolerance
- Tired (Fatigue)
- Risk for Activity Intolerance
- Sleep State Disturbance
- Diversional Activity Deficit
- Impaired Home Maintenance Management
- Change in the ability to maintain health (Altered Health Maintenance)
- Feeding Self Care Deficit
- Dysphagia (Impaired Swallowing)
- Ineffective Breast Feeding
- Breastfeeding interrupted (Interrunted Breast1ceding)
- Effective Breast feeding
- Ineffective Infant Feeding Pattern
- Bathing / Hygiene Self Care Deficit
- Dressing / Grooming Self Care Deficit
- Toileting Self Care Deficit
- Growth and development (Altered Growth and Development)
- Relocation Stress Syndrome
- Risk of Disorganized Infant Behavior
- Disorganized Infant Behavior
- Potential for Disorganized Infant ganlzed Infantkhavlor
Nursing diagnostic perception
- (Perceiving)
- Body Imagse Disturbance
- Self-esteem disorder (SolfEsteem disturbance)
- Chronic Low Self Esteem
- Situational Low Self Esteem
- Personal Identity disturbance
- Perceptual changes (specific) (seeing, hearing, movement, smell, touch, smell) (Sensory / Perceptual Alterations) (specify) (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetlc, Gustatory, Tao-tile, Olfactory)
- Unilateral Neglect
- Despair (Honelessness)
- Powerlessness
Nursing diagnosis awareness
- (Knowing)
- Knowledge Deficit (Specify)
- Disorientation (Impaired Environmental Interpretation)
- Acute Confusion
- Chronic Confusion
- Altered Thought Processes
- Memory Impairment (ImPaired Memory)
Nursing, diagnosis, feeling
- (Feeling)
- Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Dysfunctional Crievins
- AnticiPatory Crieving
- Risk of violence: Risk for Violence: Self-Directed or drected at Others
- Risk of self-injury (Risk for Self-Mutilation)
- Post-Trauma Response
- Rape-Trauma Syndrome
- Rape Trauma Syndrome: Repe-Trauma Syndrome: Compound Reaction
- Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Silent
- Anxiety
- Fear