What Is a Hemiplegic Migraine?
Hemiplegic migraine is relatively rare in clinical practice, and can be divided into familial hemiplegic migraine and

Hemiplegia migraine
Hemiplegic migraine symptoms
- Hemiplegic migraine is relatively rare in clinical practice, and can be divided into familial hemiplegic migraine and
- Hemiplegia migraine
- Hemiplegia can be one of the precursor symptoms of headache attacks. Contralateral or ipsilateral headache occurs after tens of minutes, and the symptoms of hemiplegia continue until the headache subsides one to a few days after the headache subsides, and there may even be some residual. Hemiplegic seizures occur in about 1/2 of patients with dysarthria or aphasia, and 1/3 of patients have sensory central involvement.
- The onset of hemiplegia mostly starts in childhood, and by the age of 20-30 years, the onset of hemiplegia stops, and other types of migraine are used instead of hemiplegia. Childhood hemiplegic migraines can cause convulsions and chorea in hemiplegic attacks, and often brainstem insufficiency. During the attack, the patient was normal, and there were no abnormalities, but typical and ordinary migraines could occur.
Hemiplegic migraine disease treatment
- The best in nature "Iceland Shark Liver Oil Soft Capsules" and "Ostrich Oil". The former is taken orally early and middle
- Hemiplegia migraine
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